Leeza is a ten-year-old girl from Manchester. Her bossy Grandma has started to think she’s depressed because she spends so much time in her room. Leeza isn’t depressed. She’s just irritated by the rest of her family. Standard ten-year-old stuff, right? To keep Grandma happy, Mum and Dad give Leeza a diary. That way, she can share any worries or feelings she has, within its pages.

Who is Leeza McAuliffe?

1.. Leeza McAuliffe Has Something To Say

2.. Leeza McAuliffe Has Loads More To Say

Leeza’s writes about her day-to-day life. The only problem is, her day-to-day life is pretty boring. Mostly. There’s always a bit of drama at school, what with having two best friends that are chalk and cheese. The SATs are coming up and she’s sick of hearing Ms. Archer go on about them. Then there’s her brother, Spike. She could write pages and pages about his annoyingness. So far, so normal, right? But unbeknownst to her, huge changes are on the way. Changes she doesn’t want, and can’t control. Leeza keeps writing, keeps recording her days, and tries to make sense of the ups and downs.

What are her stories?

A series has to start somewhere! Yep, these books are the start of the Leeza McAuliffe Stories. They begin when Leeza’s at primary school, then continue to her being twelve in Y8. The stories start in Manchester then move to the Lake District. They include childhood friends from Reception as well as teenaged mates that come later. The McAuliffe family expands in various ways, and there are plenty of highs and lows along the way.

Can two books be called a series?

What’s next for Leeza?

Loads more! She’s about to be a teenager. Her hormones are flying all over the place. Her bestie, Jake, is great but she’ll definitely need more friends. Her family will still drive her mad but there’s a chance she’ll be less bothered by Spike as he gets older. There’s a whole world out there to explore and she wants to see what it’s all about. The next story in the series will show Leeza turn thirteen. She’ll move into Y9, where there’ll be a school trip, a crush, and a mystery to solve. Why don’t you join Leeza McAuliffe and the gang, and read the series from the beginning?